Why we buy local
The F R E S H Factor. Every dish must deliver the ultimate flavor and in order to achieve this it is important that every ingredient is fresh. Local ingredients taste great and don't have unnatural farming and preservative practices. Every week our chefs hand pick every ingredient from the market and this led to the introduction of our Market Menu. This menu allows our chefs to share their weekly inspirations, showcase recipes with seasonal items as well as deliver a diversified and creative menu for our clients to explore.
Valentine's Day
It's time to reserve the best table at your favorite spot in town. Join us for Valentine’s week and celebrate with your better half at BIS.
#bisexperience #bismontreal #valentine’s week
We are Taking Resevations Starting February’ 6th .
Bis Ristorante Truffes
Salutations du Ristorante BIS.
Nous savons que vous attendez tous cette saison, et bien les truffes blanches son arrivées, importées d’Italie et sont disponibles jusqu’en fin Décembre.
Mother's Day Specials
In a World Full of Trends, She Always Remained a Classic.
Treat your loved one to a special menu for two with wine.
For the lady Clientelle of BIS join us between July 22nd and August 31st for a thirst-quenching invitation for complimentary cocktail with any purchase of a main dish...we’re so excited to make you try our summertime cocktails!!!
Call us at:514 866 3234
Nous invitons notre clientèle de femmes de nous rejoindrons du 22 juillet au 31 août pour un cocktail complimentaire avec tout achat d'un plat principal... nous sommes très excités de vous faire essayer nos cocktails d'été!
Website: www.bisristorante.com
Contactez Nous :514 866 3234
Restaurant Bis is starting a campaign to raise funds and provide hot meals to the frontline workers of Covid-19. These include doctors, nurses, paramedics, and police officers.
Click here: gf.me/u/xymgbb
Le restaurant BIS lance une campagne pour amasser des fonds et fournir des repas chauds aux travailleurs contre la lutte de Covid-19.Il s’agit notamment de médecins, d’infirmières, d’ambulanciers paramédicaux et de policiers.
Chaque 50 $ couvrira le coût de 4 repas gastronomiques livrés à ces travailleurs.
cliquez ici : gf.me/u/xymgbb
Italian Sushi; A tantalizing mix of fresh veggies, roasted garlic mayo, deep fried parmigiano reggiano crisps, mozzarella di bufala, white truffle salt & topped with prosciutto di parma. Only a limited amount every evening so be sure to be one of the first to ask for this secret dish.
New Heights
BIS Restaurant ranked #21 out of 4,494 in Montreal! Thank you to all our wonderful clients who continue to take time out of their days in order to give us fabulous reviews. We love you!